

Cinematherapy Workshops underway/coming soon (so instead, here’s a little of what we may have in common and can work together on.)

These are some films that have resonated with me deeply, and I am happy to explore with you if you choose any of them.
​I will be supplying a comprehensive film list resource with thematic concerns, inclusive of the below films.
Dead Poet’s Society (1989)
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)
Pan’s Labyrinth (2006)
The Revenant (2015)
The Half Of It (2020)

We will mostly focus on films that showcase positive, affirming relationships (romantic, platonic, familial, working), and of course, arguably most importantly, an empowering relationship with the self!

‘’Films trigger emotions and open doors that might otherwise be closed.’’ – John W. Hesley & Jan G. Hesley

‘’Movies offer an unusually safe, enjoyable way to peek at all we’ve denied – our dark sides and our light.’’ 
- Marsha Sinetar

‘’Movies do more than just entertain. A good movie can also teach.’’ – John K. Clemens

Some Insightful Short Films

*All Embedded Videos are from YOUTUBE. These are the content creators and titles shown on my site in order:

  • Avalonhe - Introduction to Cinema Therapy, Dr. Birgit Wolz, PhD, MFT
  • Cinema Therapy- Therapist Reacts to Movie Therapist: GOOD WILL HUNTING
  • Movieclips- Into the Wild (1/9) Movie Clip- Two Years He Walks to Earth (2007) HD
  • Miramax- Good Will Hunting | 'Your Move Chief' (HD) - Matt Damon, Robin Williams | MIRAMAX
  • Iambias31- Hercules | I can Go The Distance HD 720p
  • Fight Back- Al Pacino best speech - Any Given Sunday - 1080p HD
  • Pepe School Land- Alike short film
  • NFB- The Big Snit
  • Pixar- Kitbull Pixar SparkShorts
In 2023, I was privileged to be invited to present a webinar on Cinematherapy with the Sydney Centre for Creative Change. A big thanks to Jacki Short, the owner and director of this innovative training organisation for mental health professionals, who held space for me to talk about the magic of movies, and its link with the therapeutic process.

Contact us for your counselling needs and film therapy sessions. ​

We recognise the unique status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as Australia's First Nations Peoples and seek to enrich our whole society with an improved knowledge, understanding and appreciation of Australia's First Nations Peoples history and culture.


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